In skin treatment, physicians use chemical peeling as a procedure to remove sun damaged, pigmented and wrinkled skin by peeling it with chemical substances. As the old skin peels away, fresh skin appears that is much fresher looking. But chemical peeling does not decrease the aging process or stop it. What is does is to remove old damaged skin to expose healthy looking new skin.
Then it is your responsibility to take better care of your skin to keep it younger for more time by protecting it from sun and from other skin-damaging factors. The chemical peel process itself doesn’t affect the internal aging of the skin. If you expose your new skin to sunlight again, or continue with poor health habits, your skin will get harmed as it got harmed before.
Skin care with chemical peeling does help with current skin damage. Chemical peeling will remove mild skin wrinkles, sun damaged spots, and pigmentation. It will also take away the leathery look of the skin. Chemical peeling may help eliminate some pre-cancerous patches and some mild facial scars. Whether a chemical peel is the best acne treatment is open to debate, but in some instances it certainly can be of benefit.
In rare instances a chemical peeling treatment can harm skin as a result of producing infection and scarring. You must confer with your physician about this. No procedure that alters the body in any respect is free of risk. AHA preparations are used to provide a gentle peel, TCA is utilized to give a moderate depth peel, and phenol is used to provide a deep peel of the skin.
You can visualize the procedure like this – the deeper your skin issue, the deeper peel that will be used. So for surface aberrations, a gentle peel is utilized and for deeper scars a deep peeling technique is used. Your physician should decide the kind of peel to use after looking at your skin and talking to you about what outcome you seek, the time you want to give to the process and the proper care and soreness you are ready to undergo. Deep peels produce more discomfort but produce more desirable gains. You will have to discuss these issues with your physician.
Before starting an involved process such as a chemical peel you should make sure you are performing fundamental, natural steps to help your skin. One such technique that anybody should consider is changing pillows. This may sound unconventional, but it really works. You spend a large amount of your life sleeping. And while sleeping, you’re pushing your facial skin against a pillow. This prolonged, consistent stress has a damaging impact on your skin.